A Life Disrupted Presents Opportunities

Yes, We’re Aging, Do Something About It.
As I made my way downstairs for breakfast one early morning, I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. I stopped to take stock of how my face had changed overnight. My hand instinctively grasped at the double chin that had appeared, and I couldn’t help but notice the smile lines around my mouth, even though I wasn’t smiling at the moment. As I gently traced my face, I had to accept that my skin was aging.
I’ve read that the effects of aging on women go much deeper than physical appearance. However, it’s still important to feel attractive. Women over 50 who are married worry about their husbands going through midlife crises and seeking younger women. Unmarried women worry about never finding their soulmate to experience travel, fun times at the beach, and watching the golden sunsets while reclining on sandy shores. The fear of being alone without the love and support of a life partner is very real.
Retired Couple Enjoying the Beach
Many individuals who prioritized their careers over starting a family may question if they made the right choice. Living a carefree life in Viva La Roca may have seemed appealing, but now they find themselves feeling lonely and unfulfilled. As they approach a certain age, they may begin to regret their decisions. An article on Oprah.com quotes a woman who worries about ending up alone and penniless in her old age. However, life is unpredictable, and even the most well-planned lives can be disrupted. It is important to have a backup plan for dealing with loneliness and difficult situations. We can also use our own experiences to help and support others.
By sharing our personal stories of heartbreak and healing, we can connect with others and build meaningful relationships. Creative hobbies can also bring fulfillment and potentially even financial success. Embracing the opportunities that aging brings can lead to a fulfilling and satisfying life.
Life’s Unpredictable Path
My life was disrupted in an unforeseen way. And who is to say I would have been inspired to do this business in the state I was in mentally? Today, I am thriving. I have a business creating natural, anti-aging moisturizing emollients. Change is not easy, but I took the mindset. If not me then who, If not now, when. So, I jumped. What I don’t know I will learn, and when I have money to pay an expert I will, and I have held to my decisions. The fourth Industrial age of AI is upon us, and I for one don’t want to get left behind. I will trudge along and learn as I go. I’ve always loved education and have come to believe that Learning is an anti-aging ingredient.
Ja’Nala Mamdu, the owner and C.O.O. of ShaNuWater Fountain of Youth LLC, believes that life is full of opportunities, regardless of age. At 50 Plus, individuals have a wealth of life experiences, skills, and knowledge to share. The remedies that worked in the past are still effective today, and with today’s innovative techniques, they are even better for our health. AI is providing help in many sectors of the beauty industry, enabling brands to offer personalized recommendations, fast and accurate formulations that tailor fit skincare routines, and customized cosmetic products for specific skin types.
Our Vision
The aim of Ja’Nala’s company is to educate people and show them the benefits of natural, organic products instead of chemical-laden ones that are commonly found in stores. She designs anti-aging moisturizers for both women and men aged 50 and over, promoting a natural, and healthy lifestyle.
Encourages everyone to keep moving forward and not let disruptions stop them from achieving their goals. Instead, she advises to disrupt the negative thoughts in their minds and prove that nothing can prevent them from succeeding.