


Summary: During our conversation, the customer expressed how she’s very in tune with her body and always knows when her body accepts and responds to a certain ingredient in a product. She then went on to say something that affirmed the hard work and dedication I had put into formulating the ingredients: Her words were a testament to the high-quality, carefully selected ingredients for the celery cream. It was truly satisfying to hear how the cream had made a real difference in her life.


I fell into a rooted sleep following my morning prayer. When I woke, it took a minute or two to gather my bearings. The bed and the warmth of the comforter covering me on this cold and frosty morning, felt like I was wrapped in a cocoon. I did not want to leave it. So, I planned to work from my bed, but first I needed to get freshened up. Getting out of bed a blast infiltrated my body. Ooo, it’s Cold. I stood waiting for the water to heat as it ran into the sink. I saw goosebumps popping onto my arms. The warm water felt like a loving hug. But, once I was done washing up, the chill was back. I put on fresh PJs, wrapped the robe around myself walked across the room, retrieved my laptop, and cuddled back into my comfort zone. The pillows, positioned to support my back and neck, gave my arms freedom of movement. OK, good. I voiced placing the computer on my lap. I perused through a couple of books I had on the nightstand and that I read the night before, on skin care.

Reference Material

After one chapter in, it was time for my coffee. I go downstairs, pull the coffee from the shelf, and discover I have run out of filters. Oh, man. This is ruining my plan to work in my pj’s, warm and comfy. I go back upstairs and change clothes. I got to the store and as I was headed down the coffee aisle.

A lady, who had purchased ShaNuWater Fountain of Youth’s products a couple of weeks ago was walking fast in my direction and waving to get my attention. She said, “Hi.” Do you remember me? I said, “Yes, I do.” The lady had been struggling with an itchy, dry, dark splotch on her upper wrist for months. When we first met, she explained the blemish had only worsened, and I suggested she try our celery cream. I asked, “How are you?”

“Good, I wanted to show you how your cream has worked on my skin.” She reached down and pulled the long sleeve of her multi-colored shirt up to the middle of her arm. Her eyes glistened as she smiled and said, “LOOK! It’s been less than a week and the mark is entirely gone.” I thought to myself, WOW!

While on a walk, I fell and received a surface skin abrasion. I used the celery cream on the abrasion after cleaning it well with peroxide and applying Neosporin. I knew the celery cream worked, helping to fade the injury, and my face felt ultra soft. However, it took three to four weeks for it to disappear completely. I was amazed how there was no sign of the spot on her wrist. Then she said, “It has my skin so soft. The cream makes my skin feel like the ingredients are alive and know exactly what they’re supposed to do. I love your cream and will be buying more.”

I said, “Thank you,” as she happily continued on her way. I felt such a sense of pride and gratitude. I took a deep breath and thanked God for this gift he had given me. I retrieved the coffee filters and headed home. I had an extra pep in my step, and my smile was wider than usual when I spoke to people, I met while walking to my car. I reflected on the mantra adopted for the business. “When You Love What You Do, Others Will Love It Too.”

These words have framed the foundation of ShaNuWater Fountain of Youth since its inception. I’m incredibly grateful as a product creator. The consistency of experimenting and testing different formulations resulted in favorable testimonies and positive feedback.

Trials & Errors

When I look back through my notes, I see pages filled with crossed-out measurements, replaced ingredients, and discarded combinations. Once, I even thought I had created a fragrance that could kill insects – but, rest assured, I never put it to the test. By my, investing time and energy in research and development is not only important. It’s essential in our industry. The only way to guarantee that our products are safe and free from harmful bacteria and germs. 

ShaNuWater's Fountain of Youth, Product Preparation Set-up

By prioritizing R&D, I can ensure that our customers receive the best possible products. I’m proud to have the persistence and laser focus necessary to bring value to my brand, ShaNuWater Fountain of Youth. Services for those 50Plus, beautiful and handsome to achieve healthy age-defying, radiant, and vibrant skin matching an active lifestyle.

Being 50Plus & Beautiful is freedom in so many ways. We march to the beat of our drum; we’ve learned life lessons, in how we want to live and what it takes to live it healthy, spiritually, emotionally and physically. By this time in our lives, we’ve found our purpose and want to share what has worked in our lives and have given us the healthy longevity we are experiencing. One thing I know for sure at this stage in my life. Health is all facets is a 360 venture. 

This means it’s important to eat nutritious meals, of which entails, fresh fruits and vegetables. Drink water and limit sugary drink. Healthy fluids, such as coconut milk will replace electrolytes, sodium, manganese potassium, hydrate and moisturize the skin. Limit red meats, no pork – nada, keep a watchful eye on your weight and reduce body fat as much as possible. If your concerned about your weight, I’d advise finding a dietician or nutritionist. Exercise regularly moving as much as possible in between sitting, get enough sleep, no alcohol, and take natural vitamin supplements.

Ja'Nala Mamdu, Owner, C.O.O., and Author. ShaNuWater Fountain of Youth


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